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Opiates & Opioids > Codeine SWIM found a site that sells it for the normal price. So ordered some (better than Is the linctus that SWIM bought this one? If
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Codeine - Wikipedia, the free.
Codeine | Matt's Training Resources
Codeine | Matt's Training Resources
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PHENSEDYL COUGH LINCTUS - Domain.Codeine amfetamine
Pharmacopoeias: In Chin., Eur. (see ), Int., Jpn, Pol., US, and Viet. Pharmacopoeias may specify the hemihydrate, sesquihydrate, or both, either under one monograph
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Codeine or 3-methylmorphine (a natural isomer of methylated morphine, the other being the semi-synthetic 6-methylmorphine) is an opiate used for its analgesic
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Codeine or 3-methylmorphine (a natural isomer of methylated morphine, the other being the semi-synthetic 6-methylmorphine) is an opiate used for its analgesic
Maximum Codeine Dosage
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sources:childdeftiavo - 10. Dez, 03:25